Saturday, January 13, 2018

Seek Them Not

Thinking tonight on what I heard L. Clark say at a recent talk. That every day we must submit two things to the Lord.

1.) my will
2.) my desires

These things at the beginning of the day, I must yield to the Lord.

I must imagine Jeremiah 45:5 as if it is being spoken to me:

Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not.

Is everything I do an offering to the Lord? Or is it for my own comfort/approval/self-glorification?

To God be the glory
For the things HE has done.

Not I.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Build My Life

I will build my life upon your love
It is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in you, Oh God
And I will not be shaken.

There is no one like you.
There is none beside you.
Open up my eyes in wonder.
And show me who you are.
And fill me with your heart.
And lead me in love to those around me. 
-Build my Life by Housefires

If I build my life upon the love of Jesus, I will not be shaken. But if I build my life on anything else, it is shifting sand. It is nothing. It will dissolve. No person. No career. No status symbol. No financial security. My health. My home. My family. None of it is a firm foundation.

I will build my life upon your love.
It is a firm foundation.
I will put my trust in you Oh Lord
I will not be shaken. 

My life is not mine to live. It belongs to God alone. My existence is not for my own glory. It is for his. He is the only foundation I can build my life upon.
