Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I thought this would only take six steps...

So I've been hosting a Bible study for some lady friends (yes, lady friends) and the book we have been looking at is called "6 Steps to Clarifying Your Calling". Sounds easy enough right?

Imagine my surprise when at the END of the book, the END of the six week study, we get to the following paragraph:

".... finding our calling and purpose is a lifelong adventure. It only makes sense that our Creator would design people who can grow into His plan for their lives as they say yes to the opportunities he puts in their paths that coincide with their giftedness and with His kingdom work. It's a matter of listening to Him and acting on His leading."

I'm sorry, what? I paid $6.79 for a book that would tell me WHAT MY CALLING IS. Blarg.

The verse that has been hitting me in the face lately is Psalm 46:10:
"Be still, and know that I am God."

Sounds easy enough but... it's not. Be still. Sit still, Lauren. Don't do anything. Don't plan anything. Don't worry about anything. Just trust. Just have faith. Be STILL.

I'm working on it. Slowly but surely, it's happening.

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